Prostitution in Austria is legal and regulated. Over the Middle Ages there existed an uneasy association between those selling sex usually women on the one side, and church and state on the other. While the practice was frowned on, it thrived, and was tolerated. The Habsburg Rudolph I of Habsburg — made it an offence to insult these "gelüstigen Frauen" in After all they paid their taxes two pfennigs Wiki Sex Guide Frankfurt week. On the other hand, on Sundays and during Lent, they were obliged to stay away from the towns. The first recorded mention of the existence of brothels Freudenhäusern in Vienna can be found in a charter of Duke Albrecht III — Some councilors wanted to set up a charitable foundation for prostitutes who renounced their sinful life. However very soon councilors were actually establishing brothels and even supported a nunnery from the taxes. However, since this did little to reduce prostitution, Austrian laws changed to consider prostitution as a necessary evil that had to be tolerated but regulated by the state. Nusser of the Vienna police suggested that prostitutes be required to Wiki Sex Guide Frankfurt with the police, receive medical examinations twice a week, and obtain special health certificates. InAnton Ritter von Le Monnier, head of the Vienna police, reformed Vienna's prostitution law, and health certificates have been obligatory since that time. Prostitutes who complied with the requirements of registration and examinations were no longer prosecuted by the police. A newspaper article of 27 October reported that 6, prostitutes had received health certificates and were under observation by police and health authorities. According to police estimates, at least 12, more women lived on the proceeds of "free love" without being registered. Most of these were factory workers who received so little pay that they needed the additional income. Of the registered prostitutes, 5, were unmarried, widows, and married. The youngest was 15 and the oldest 47 years old. Homosexual male prostitution was legalized in Durch das Bundesgesetz BGBI. Although sex work itself is not forbidden, Section b. Medical examinations are required by the AIDS and STD laws. The Supreme Court of Austria Oberster Gerichtshof held in that Prostitution was a sittenwidriger Vertrag Unconscionable contract ; therefore, a prostitute had no legal recourse against a customer who refuses to pay. In particular, prostitutes now have the legal right to sue for payment. Prostitutes are considered to be self-employed, and since they have been required to pay taxes. The Arbeits- und Sozialrechts-Änderungsgesetz ASRÄG included them in social insurance. Austrian cities do not have red-light districts like the Bahnhofsviertel Frankfurt am Mainthe Reeperbahn in Hamburgor the De Wallen in Amsterdam ; the sex industry is widely distributed over the cities and its presence often goes unnoticed. In April1, female and 21 male prostitutes were officially registered in Vienna. A similar relation of prostitutes to population number can also be found in other Austrian cities. Before the Wende there was a relatively good cooperation between police and prostitution from which both sides had their benefits: The pimps were allowed to regulate their turf wars themselves; on the other hand they served as informants for the police. After the fall of the Iron Curtainhowever, the situation changed. Many young women from the former Eastern bloc Wiki Sex Guide Frankfurt to Austria and were willing to work for less money than the Austrian women. Additionally organized crime groups from southern and eastern Europe entered the prostitution scene in Austria. In the following years, in particular in the s, the number of registered prostitutes decreased and the number of unregistered prostitutes increased. Nowadays 60 to 90 percent [ 1 ] are migrantsmainly from the former east bloc countries, among them many commuters from the close Slovakia. For example, the police detained several nurses from Bratislava who earned more money in one night on the streets of Vienna than in a whole month in the hospital in Bratislava. The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior considers illegal prostitution as a problem because it comes along with crimes like human traffickingpimping and rape. In addition, unregistered prostitution creates health problems. A quarter of the arrested unregistered prostitutes had multiple infections with sexually transmitted diseases. Similar to the ministry, several human rights and migrants organizations who highlight the bad life and working conditions of prostitutes want a destabilization of prostitution and improve the working and social conditions of sex workers and to abolish the discrimination in the working rights and in the rights of residence.
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