After over 14 years of updating and maintaining CompletePlanet, BrightPlanet has made the difficult decision to discontinue CompletePlanet. Not much will happen in the next two years to produce lots more offsets for compliance purposes over that period. At the same time, the government has amended s. The first step involved changes to two of the key variables in the current Specified Gas Emitter Regulation SGERwhile the second step is the more comprehensive review to be conducted by Dr Andrew Leach to assess the full range of options for the management of greenhouse gas emissions in the province. At the time I wrote that post I had not examined the details of the amendments to the SGER to see what other changes if any were being proposed. This post picks up where the last left off. Here is what I wrote in the previous post. The first paragraph offers a brief description of the SGER regime. The second paragraph describes the key changes to that regime. The province will extend the SGER but will change two of the three key variables embedded in the regulation. While the amendments to the regulation have yet to be gazetted it appears that the regulation will be extended until the end of The coverage of the regulation Trekant Sex Sms Sex Treff not change, i. However, both the ambition or stringency of the regulation and the compliance price will change. The Minister estimates that these initiatives will reduce emissions by 13 megatonnes per year by As one would expect, the amendments to the regulation implement the changes to the stringency requirement new s. However no change Trekant Sex Sms Sex Treff the regulation is needed to implement the new compliance prices because s. While the reality no doubt is that the price of carbon is in fact a matter for cabinet, one wonders why such an important issue does not require an amendment to the regulation, if not an amendment to the governing legislation. In addition to the changes to the stringency requirements, the amendments deal with two other matters, the treatment of cogeneration and the status of Ministerial guidance and standards, as well as some house-keeping issues. The Treatment of Cogeneration Cogeneration, also known as combined heat and power CHPis the simultaneous production of electricity and heat from a single fuel source. Cogeneration offers significant benefits over other forms of generation principally for efficiency reasons. Cogeneration does not, in itself, increase the power supply, but uses one fuel input to produce two outputs, i. By making more efficient use of fuel inputs, cogeneration allows the same level of end-use energy demand to be met with fewer energy inputs. Thus, it reduces energy consumption, greenhouse Trekant Sex Sms Sex Treff emissions and other air pollutants. By locating close to load, cogeneration may also defer the need to construct new transmission and may reduce overall line losses. In situ operations require electricity for their operations and a large amount of steam. Steam can be produced through a stand-alone natural gas fired boiler or through cogeneration or some combination of the two. An in situ operator electing to construct cogeneration may size the generation to meet its steam needs or its electricity needs. If the project is sized to meet steam needs it will produce electricity considerably in excess of its requirements. This surplus must be exported to the Alberta grid. In this scenario oil sands operators will tend to pursue a strategy of bidding power into the pool at zero or close to zero to ensure dispatch see Oil Sands Community Alliance,at 29 — As such, cogeneration can provide lower emissions intensity base load to the system. To the extent that natural gas rather than biofuels remain the fuel of choice for cogeneration projects, cogeneration will still result in greenhouse gas emissions unless captured and sequestered although such emissions will be reduced when compared with stand-alone gas fired steam boilers and combined cycle gas generation each producing a single product. The question for present purposes then is how the benefits of cogeneration are or should be recognized in the SGER scheme described above. The Treatment of Cogeneration in the Pre-Amendment Version of SGER The pre-amendment version of SGER said nothing whatsoever about cogeneration. As a result, any recognition of the greenhouse gas benefits of cogeneration had to be achieved within the general provisions of the regulations. It is not immediately obvious how this can be done and the resulting recognition was exceptionally opaque. While the offset scheme might offer the most obvious mechanism for accommodating cogeneration, this option will not generally be available, principally because a cogeneration facility will typically form an integrated part of an industrial facility which will itself be a regulated facility. A project can only qualify as an offset project if it is not part of a regulated facility SGER, s 7. The whole purpose of the offset scheme is to create an incentive to reduce emissions over business as usual BAU in the unregulated sector. At the risk of oversimplifying, a regulated project with cogeneration can obtain EPCs based on the difference between deemed emissions and actual emissions. Deemed emissions are calculated by reference to each of the two products, steam and electricity. Deemed emissions for electricity are calculated on the basis that electricity would otherwise have been produced by a combined cycle gas turbine with an emissions intensity of 0.
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