Anleitungen Marken LG Anleitungen Handys LG-Mn Benutzerhandbuch. LG -Mn Benutzerhandbuch. Vorschau ausblenden. Seite von Vorwärts. Verfügbare Sprachen. USER GUIDE. All rights reserved. Inhalt sverzeichnis. Vorherige Seite. Nächste Seite. Handys LG LG-M Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG LG-M Kurzanleitung 58 Seiten. Handys LG LG-Mn Schnellstartanleitung 74 Seiten. Handys LG LG-MA Bedienungsanleitung Seiten. Handys LG X Power2 Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG LG-P Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG LG-D Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG LG-A Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG LG-Hn Bedienungsanleitung Seiten. Handys LG LG-V Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG LG-T Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Handys LG G2 Mini Benutzerhandbuch Seiten. Please carefully read this user guide before using the device for the first time to ensure safe and proper use. The supplied items are designed only for this device and may not be compatible with other devices. Seite 3 Instructional notices WARNING: Situations that could cause injury to the user and third parties. CAUTION: Situations that may cause minor injury or damage to the device. NOTE: Notices or additional information. About this user guide Seite 4: Inhaltsverzeichnis Turning the power on or off Clock Installing the SIM card Calendar Inserting the memory card Tasks Removing the memory card Music Battery Calculator Touch screen E-mail Home screen Voice Recorder Screen lock FM Radio Memory card encryption File Manager Taking screenshots LG Mobile Switch Seite 5 Downloads SmartWorld RemoteCall Service Cell Broadcast Appendix Chrome LG Language Settings Google apps LG Bridge Phone software update Anti-Theft Guide More information Settings Settings Network Sound Display General Table of contents Seite 6: Guidelines For Safe And Efficient Use ID position in sudden call drop Box Met Microfoon Huren applications loaded. The log is used only to help determine the cause of the fault. These logs are encrypted and can only be accessed by an authorised LG Repair centre should you need to return your device for repair. When a carry case, belt clip or holder is used for body-worn operation, it should not contain metal and should position the product at least 5 mm away from your body. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the device and may be dangerous. Seite 9 Do not disassemble this unit. Take it to a qualified service technician when repair work is required. Extremely prolonged, direct skin contact in the absence of adequate Box Met Microfoon Huren may result in discomfort or minor burns.
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