Um die Seite besser für Screen-Reader darstellen zu können, betätigen Sie diesen Link. Um die verbesserte Darstellung für Screen-Reader zu deaktivieren, bestätigen Sie diesen Link. Ende dieses Seitenbereichs. Zur Übersicht der Seitenbereiche. To mark the transition from towe have prepared examples of the power of good relationships in academia, complete with suggestions on actions to try, resources and reading recommendations. The following will be found in this text: How is collegiality practiced in academia? Why does it pay off for a career in academia to be aware of sector developments? Why should you know about strategic priorities at your university? The answer from Cambridge Postdoc Careers Consultant Vicki Tipton and Lucy Romijn. Requirements for positions relate to what strategies the entity that funds the position pursues. And that in turn is open interdependent with wider sector developments. Similarly, it's useful to understand how your own university's complex systems works, why it is designed the way it is, how performance is assessed, how money is allocated, and how you can work both with it and in it. In our May expert talk with an experienced former member of the Rectorate of our university, you get the chance to explore:. We also know research management professionals use it with consent by applicants to give feedback on drafts. What do you think? What are the innovations needed in the peer-review and funding systems to maintain good science and equal opportunity? Do you create a training programme for yourself, or do you sign up to what lands in your inbox? Here are some thoughts about how Dating Ariane Default Lösung Deutsch best take advantage of internal and other free! Focussing on one area and taking Trainings intentionally suited to that can be an asset in applications. It shows you have a plan, are aware of your skills, and eager to deepen them and continuously develop. Fellowships like the hashtag MSCA PF ask for a well-thought out training and development plan for the funding duration. If you're not yet in a role where you can hone certain skills through tasks of your job, taking trainings is a way to showcase this area of your profile in a CV. What could a development track be? Say you're passionate about impact, and making science relevant. Take public engagement trainings, presentation trainings, practical workshops on all the media that interest you video, podcasting, social media Or possibly you're aiming for a teaching-heavy role: there are offers in university didactics at all levels, you can learn to create your unique teaching portfolio, you can get facilitated peer-to-peer feedback, you can learn digital teaching skills, or workshops on public engagement projects with students. Trainings mean networking, leave yourself time to build on connections made. New information needs to steep a bit in you - so leave space in your schedule for all the ideas it sparks. So it pays to reflect on what gives you the most joy, where you want to go next, and what skills you need to hone for that! As you progress in your research career, negotiations become really important when you are being hired, promoted, or when you Dating Ariane Default Lösung Deutsch certain milestones during a contract. This is our second post on "how to negotiate in academia" find post 1 on our blog as This is about Do's and Don'ts. Are you a good negotiator? From communicating with your manager to reaching tenure agreements, academia gives you plenty of opportunities to hone your negotiation skills. Here are some tips from us - since it's a big topic, we'd like to hear what your best practices are! APPROACH: You might find the Harvard Principles see references below useful. They include: separating people from problems and interests from positions, exploring options for mutual gain, referring to objective criteria, and preparing a "best alternative to a negotiated agreement". ATTITUDE: Be comfortable with leaving some silence in the conversation and with asking for time to mull things over. Know that you are there because you are contributing to your university's mission. Don't assume ill intent on the part of your opposite, but also: write stuff down! SUPPORT: Raise your confidence and knowledge beforehand with a coaching. For negotations on route to a leadership position, you can look at Austrian experts like Ute Riedler, international experts like Dr. Margarete Hubrath or Zita Küng, and for tenure Dating Ariane Default Lösung Deutsch in Germany people often use Deutscher Hochschulverband DHV.
Researcher Development in Graz: A Research Careers Community
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Fachhochschule Aachen. FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences Grafik. Die vergangenen zwölf Monate waren geprägt von einem angespannten. Amazon hat es geschafft, von Seattle aus jeden Haushalt der Welt zu erreichen. Die einzigartige Geschichte von Jeff Bezos. war für viele von uns ein Jahr voller Veränderungen und Disruptionen. GasVersorgung Süddeutschland GmbH. Berufserfahrung. Zunächst mit einem unschlagbaren. Before beginning installation, please read this manual to ensure correct usage of the product, and keep the manual in a safe place for future reference. Ausbildung. Finance Management.Urban Worlds. Aber mit Oma NRW hat er eine harte Nuss getroffen. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? Is professional social media too much work? Urban Geography, Special Issue; Vol. Do you want to become more visible on social media but not quite convinced of benefits of engaging in science communication? IBA KIT: Ein roter Container als Stadtentwicklungs-Tool und Gemeinschaftsstifter. It uses qualitative analysis of over 60 interviews with early-career researchers, as well as case studies, and goes into: why mobility is a gendered precarity issue, how researchers experience both career development benefits as well as added insecurities when changing places, how costs of mobility can be different according to gender, how postdoc researchers who are unwilling or unable to relocate may build similar competencies easily via other means, the many different practices of being "on the move", such as commuting Chancen und Herausforderungen in ländlichen Räumen durch Digitalisierung. Academia regularly loses talents by making those who might not fit the dominant image of academics feel out of place. Litvinenko, K. The Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Baltic Sea Region: Analyzing Regional Environmental Governance from a Spatial Perspective. Geographica Helvetica , 78 3 , — Arendt, R. Understand that usually, if someone says they can't help you, it's not because they don't want to. Do you sometimes feel out of place in the hallowed halls of academia? Journal of Economic Geography , 24 5 , New information needs to steep a bit in you - so leave space in your schedule for all the ideas it sparks. Environmental Policy and Governance , 27 6 , Housing Policy under the Conditions of Financialization: The Impact of Institutional Investors on Affordable Housing in European Cities HoPoFin. Universität Potsdam. It can be hard to guess at the exact meaning and profile behind different academic job titles if you are often on the move. Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Sie befinden sich hier: Universität Graz Information und Service für PostDocs Blog. Should you use AI translation tools when publishing your research? How can you use a lab handbook to onboard colleagues?