You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing. The following link creates a permanent link to the content of the site:. If you keep a dog, you must register the dog. Your dog will then be recorded in a central register. With the registration of the dog also the registration for the dog tax takes place. The dog tax is levied by the municipality. Dog owners who have taken one or more dogs into their household must immediately register their dog ownership with the city of Halle Saale. No fees are charged for the tax registration of a dog with the tax department of the city of Halle Saale. Dog owners are obliged to have the dog marked with a transponder by a veterinarian no later than six months after its birth. Dog owners of dangerous dogs according to the Dog Act LSA must prove that the dog is capable of socially acceptable behavior within six months of the start of dog ownership by submitting a certificate from a recognized expert person or institution about a character test. The responsibility lies with the municipality or the city in which the dog is to be kept. After receipt of the registration to the Dog Taxes Team, it will be forwarded to the General Regulatory Affairs Team. Your dog must be identified by a transponder electronically readable microchip. You must take out liability insurance for your dog. Detailed information on the new Dog Act Saxony-Anhalt can be found on the pages of the Ministry of the Interior of Saxony-Anhalt and the State Administration Office. Notifications of change such as changes of address, death or surrender of the dog stating the date of death or surrender, change of liability insurance and change of owner with indication of the address of the new owner must be sent immediately. The notifications of change shall be accepted by the bodies which also receive the notification and shall issue a certificate to that effect. No fees are charged for these official acts. The dog tax stamp must also be returned. If the city of Halle Saale receives indications that a dog has increased aggressiveness, in particular that it has bitten people and animals or has otherwise shown a willingness Germany Infos Über K9 Sex Dating fight, aggressiveness or aggressiveness that Germany Infos Über K9 Sex Dating beyond the natural level, it must examine the information ex officio. If the examination reveals facts that justify the suspicion that the dog poses a danger to public safety, the city of Halle Saale will determine the danger of the dog by means of a decision. An objection and an action against this decision shall not have a suspensive effect. With the dangerousness of the dog determined in individual cases, the dog may only be kept and led with a permit. Information on the further details of the permit procedure, the associated fees and costs and the special obligations for keeping and leading such a dog during the procedure can be obtained from the Security Department, Am Stadion 5 in Halle, Ms. Thürmer or Mr. Violations of the rules and prohibitions of the Dog Act LSA and the Dog Tax Statute constitute an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine of up to ten thousand euros. In addition, administrative orders and coercive measures can be threatened and imposed, which are associated with further fees and costs. Information on the Dog Act - HundeG LSA. Ordinance on the Implementation of the Act on Precaution against the Dangers Emanating from Dogs HundeVO LSA. Dog tax statute of the city of Halle Saale. Read aloud. All ministries Staatskanzlei und Ministerium für Kultur Ministerium für Inneres und Sport Ministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz Ministerium der Finanzen Ministerium für Bildung Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Energie, Klimaschutz und Umwelt Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Digitales. Online Services for Individuals and Companies BullRun — stock. Chosen location: Halle Saale Enter words here that describe what you are looking for e. Fixed link Deeplink The following link creates a permanent link to the content of the site: The short URL is:. Print Download PDF Fixed link Deeplink. Return to your search results.
[My Japanese Life – Ep 04]: Claudia from Germany
[My Japanese Life – Ep 04]: Claudia from Germany » Zooming Japan In both cities, dogs were the most frequently shown animal. Certificate reference. Sex / Geschlecht, Identification system /. Identifizierungssystem Health information / Gesundheitsinformationen, II.a. We found that % of the investigated profiles had at least one photo showing an animal. Leistungen | Neckargemünd Keeping a fighting dog - apply for a licenceIn addition, administrative orders and coercive measures can be threatened and imposed, which are associated with further fees and costs. You can register your dog online or send us the completed "Registration for dog tax" form by e-mail or post. These cookies do not store any personal information. Please note that it may take up to three months to receive your notice in individual cases. Which documents are required?
Forms/Online Services
Identifizierungssystem Health information / Gesundheitsinformationen, II.a. Notification of dog ownership must be made to the municipality, administrative community or fulfilling municipality in which you reside as the owner of the dog. Read all about it in the "My Japanese Life" series. How does a German expat married to a Japanese citizen experience life in Japan? We found that % of the investigated profiles had at least one photo showing an animal. Certificate reference. Sex / Geschlecht, Identification system /. In both cities, dogs were the most frequently shown animal.With the dangerousness of the dog determined in individual cases, the dog may only be kept and led with a permit. Register your dog Read aloud. Team Hundesteuer. You have moved to the City of Munich with your dog. Please note that the keeping of fighting dogs is subject to authorisation. Service Finder. The following link creates a permanent link to the content of the page:. Many thanks Claudia for sharing some of your story and thank you Jasmine for hosting it here! Please note that you must have the dog permanently and unmistakably marked with a forgery-proof electronically readable transponder according to the ISO standard microchip by a veterinarian at your own expense. All ministries Staatskanzlei und Ministerium für Kultur Ministerium für Inneres und Sport Ministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz Ministerium der Finanzen Ministerium für Bildung Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Energie, Klimaschutz und Umwelt Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Digitales. The text was automatically translated based on the German content. Checks The City of Munich can carry out checks and obtain information to verify dog ownership. There are no fees for reporting the keeping of dogs. What are the fees? For dangerous dogs according to the HundeG LSA, the submission of a character test is required, which confirms that the dog is capable of socially acceptable behavior. The following link creates a permanent link to the content of the page: The short URL for this is: shorten link. Please note that it may take up to three months to receive your notice in individual cases. You may also like. I thoroughly enjoy learning about different things, and seeing new places. In addition, you are required to take out liability insurance to cover personal injury and property damage caused by the animal, with a minimum sum insured of , euros for personal injury and , euros for other damage. Apropos husband: If you read the header with all the information on me, you know that after my Working Holiday visa I got a spouse visa. The local police authority is the municipal or city administration in whose district you live or spend most of your time. Legal basis. What else should I know? These cookies do not store any personal information. Special liability insurance Note: There may be other regulations and statutes of the city or municipality that may deny you a licence deny you a licence. Dog owners are obliged to have the dog marked with a transponder by a veterinarian no later than six months after its birth. Postal address.